

The integration of a continuously growing solar (PV) and wind energy share into our today’s and tomorrow’s energy sectors is one of the great challenges for sustainable societies.

For supplying water only (SYNWATER®) and both energy & water (SYNUTILITIES®) we design, develop and offer complete systems – powered by renewables.


2021, November, SYNWATER®/WINDdesal –  Framework agreement with SWCC regarding wind-powered seawater desalination in Saudi Arabia signed

Both Saline Water Conversion Cooperation (SWCC) and SYNLIFT have signed a framework agreement to cooperate in Saudi Arabia regarding WINDdesal in general with the FWD reference project as a first cooperation activity included.
SWCC is a Saudi governmental institution mandated and entrusted with seawater desalination and the delivery of desalinated water to various regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and beyond. Referring to the desal capacities that SWCC operates itself or in cooperation with private partners, SWCC is one of the largest players in the global desal market.

2021, November, COP26, Namibia selects one of our clients as preferred bidder for a $9.4 billion green hydrogen project

During the World Climate Summit in Glasgow the government of Namibia announced HYPHEN Hydrogen Energy to be the preferred bidder for a large-scale wind-powered hydrogen project. SYNLIFT is the planning partner for the water supply in this project – see the September news below.

2021, October, SYNUTILITIES®– Energy & water supply concept for coastal communities in windy and arid climate regions worldwide   

SYNLIFT has been contracted to conceptualize the energy & water supply for self-sufficient settlement projects in coastal regions within windy and arid climate zones - worldwide.

2021, September, SYNWATER®/SMARTdesal – Water supply concept for large-scale wind-powered hydrogen production  

SYNLIFT has been contracted to conceptualize the water supply for a large-scale project of wind-powered hydrogen production in Southwest Africa, based upon a flexible RO technology to be integrated as a deferrable load into the superordinated energy & load management.

SMARTdesal plant based upon flexible reverse osmosis technology as part of a wind-powered hydrogen production

2021, July, SYNWATER®/WINDdesal – Proposal for large-scale projects handed over to PROINVERSIÓN/Peru

SYNLIFT, together with technology and financing partners, submitted a comprehensive proposal for the realization of wind-powered seawater desalination projects - incl. FWD options - for the provinces of Paita, Talara and Lambayeque to the state institution PROINVERSIÓN in Peru.

2021, June, SYNWATER®/Floating WINDdesal (FWD) – Three new partners joined the European Industry Initiative

Liebherr-MCCtec Rostock GmbH (Germany), REMAZEL Engineering S.p.A. (Italy) and Asturfeito S.A. (Spain) joined and further reinforced the European Industry Initiative.

2021, February, Press coverage of SYNLIFT business activities regarding Floating WINDdesal

International press release by SYNLIFT regarding Floating WINDdesal on 14/02/21 results in broad coverage of FWD in publications and online services especially in the offshore and wind energy industries.

Floating WINDdesal (FWD) module for 30,000 m3/d

2021, February, German newspaper reports about SYNLIFT business activities

Tagesspiegel - one of the daily newspapers with the highest circulation in Germany – reports on the business activities of SYNLIFT on 05/02/21:


2020, December, SYNWATER®/Floating WINDdesal (FWD) – For the implementation of a demo plant in Saudi-Arabia the second stage of application has been passed

For the realization of a demonstration plant FWD 10,000 / 15,000 in Saudi Arabia, the full proposal for the state tendering process has been submitted by the local business partner NTCC. The world's largest player in the desalination market, the Saudi company SWCC, has expressed its interest in supporting the project as an off-taker.

2020, October, SYNWATER®/WINDdesal – SYNLIFT contracted for the first development works for a wind-powered seawater desalination plant in Peru

SYNLIFT signs the first contract for the first project development step for a WINDdesal project in Peru for 10,000/15,000 m3/d.

WINDdesal plant for 10,000/15,000 m3/d

2020, September, SYNWATER®/Floating WINDdesal (FWD) – For the implementation of a demo plant in Saudi-Arabia the first stage of application was passed successfully

For the implementation of a FWD demonstration plant with 10,000 resp. 15,000 m3/d in Saudi Arabia, the first stage (concept paper) of a state tendering process was successfully passed.

2020, September, SYNWATER®/Floating WINDdesal (FWD) – With Crist and StoGda two Polish partners join the industry initiative

With entry of system partner Crist Shipyard (marine technology plant engineering) and tec-partner StoGda Ship Design & Engineering (Floater Design) both from Poland the industry initiative has been upgraded to European scale.

2020, Mai, SYNWATER®/Floating WINDdesal (FWD) – thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions joins the industry initiative as system partner

Thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions (tkIS) joins the industry initiative as a system partner for process technology plant engineering.

2020, April, SYNWATER®/Floating WINDdesal (FWD) – Technology concept (phase 1) completed

SYNLIFT completes the work on the technology concept (phase 1) for, on behalf of and in cooperation with the FWD industry initiative.

Floating WINDdesal (FWD) module for 30,000 m3/d

2020, February, SYNWATER®/REdesal - The German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy invites SYNLIFT to join the Saudi-German Energy Dialogue

An expert workshop on the topic of Energy Systems of the Future: System Integration, Flexibility and Value Creation will take place on 04/03/20 in Riyadh as part of the Saudi-German Energy Dialogue. The German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy has invited SYNLIFT as a representative for the relevant area of seawater desalination.

Because of Corona the expert workshop has been cancelled at short notice.

2019, December, SYNWATER®/Floating WINDdesal (FWD) - Industry initiative for FWD development and market launch with five partners

Floating WINDdesal (FWD) is a wind-powered seawater desalination unit as a floating application for nearshore and offshore project sites.

FWD is designed for minimal water production costs, CO2 footprint as well as minimal impact on maritime and terrestrial environment.

With its high mobility potential, it targets to fulfill temporary supply tasks and should enable projects at locations, where conventional desalination could not be financed.

In 2019, the tec-partners aerodyn Energiesysteme (wind turbine design), EMS Maritime Offshore (marine services), Norddeutsche Seekabelwerke/Prysmian Group (submarine cabling) and Boll & Kirch Filterbau (fine filtration) joined the industrial initiative, so that they now come together with SYNLIFT as 5 partners.

2019, November, SYNWATER®/REdesal - The trade journal Erneuerbare Energien publishes a focus on desalination with renewable energies with  extensive reporting on the project activities of SYNLIFT

The bi-monthly Erneuerbare Energien is considered the leading trade magazine for wind, solar and bioenergy in the German-speaking area and is primarily aimed at investors, project developers, municipal utilities and energy providers. In the 07/2019 edition (pp. 16-21), an article about solar and wind powered seawater desalination was published under the title Jeder Tropfen zählt (Every drop counts), which reports in detail on current REdesal activities of SYNLIFT.

2019, Juli, SYNWATER®/REdesal - Start of the industry initiative for the development and market launch of a mobile REdesal technology for medium and large capacities

With signing of a memorandum of understanding with the first tec partner, the partnership within the industrial initiative began in summer 2019.

2019, February, SYNWATER®/REdesal - Preparation for an industry initiative within the desal sector

The goal is to implement the development and market launch of a mobile REdesal technology for temporary and permanent supply tasks together with manufacturers of key components, providers of relevant services (tec partners) and plant engineering companies (system partners). For this purpose, preliminary talks with potential partners were started from 02/2019 on.

2019, January, Panelist Contribution on Water/Tech for Good Forum as part of World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi

Our Managing Partner Joachim Käufler participated as a panelist at the Water/Tech for Good Forum as part of the World Future Energy Summit WFES 2019, Abu Dhabi.

"What answers can the water industry give to upcoming extreme cases" was a central panel question. With regard to this topic Joachim presented requirements for a mobile REdesal unit for medium and large capacities.

2017, June, SYNWATER®/SOLARdesal - Large-scale solar powered desal and long-distance pumping system accepted for EIA by Chilean Authorities

Large-scale SYNWATER® desalination plant including a long-distance water pumping and piping system directly powered by an integrated solar energy plant is accepted for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) by Chilean authorities. 

ENAPAC project: SOLARdesal plant incl. water pumping, piping and storing for 86,400 m3/d - Atacama region (Chile)

ENAPAC project: SOLARdesal plant incl. water pumping, piping and storing for 86,400 m3/d - Atacama region (Chile)

ENAPAC project: SOLARdesal plant incl. water pumping, piping and storing for 86,400 m3/d - Atacama region (Chile)


2016, July, SYNWATER®/SOLARdesal - Chilean client contracts SYNLIFT for concept and design of a large-scale solar powered seawater desalination and water conveying system in Atacama region/Chile

SYNLIFT has been contracted by Trends Industrial S.A. - a member of the Chilean Trends Group - to work out the complete technical concept and based upon that to realize the front-end engineering design (FEED) as general technical planner for a large-scale solar powered seawater desalination and water conveying system in Atacama region/Chile.