

The integration of a continuously growing solar (PV) and wind energy share into our today’s and tomorrow’s energy sectors is one of the great challenges for sustainable societies.

Especially the flexibilisation of energy consumers is taken as one of the key solutions for a cost-efficient system integration of fluctuating renewable energies.


2017, September, Kick-off for our Compliance & Integrity policy

SYNLIFT executives participate in anti-corruption Workshop hosted by German Water Partnership and put into practice by Alliance for Integrity & Water Integrity Network.

2017, July, Feasibility Study contracted by Chilean mining company

A worldwide mining company based in Chile contracts SYNLIFT to conceptually design al large-scale SYNWATER® pumping and long-distance water transport system for direct renewable energy supply and / or flexible operation according to grid operators' short-term energy supply price signals.

2017, June, Large-scale SYNWATER® REdesal design accepted for EIA by Chilean Authorities

Large-scale SYNWATER® desalination plant including a long-distance water pumping and piping System directly powered by an integrated solar energy plant is accepted for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) by Chilean authorities. The respective project Energías y Aguas des Pacifica (abbreviated as ENAPAC) is instantaneously covered by water specific media - e.g. desalination .biz Magazine 05/06/2017. SYNLIFT has been contracted by Trends Industrial S.A. - a member of the Chilean Trends Group - to realize the front-end Engineering design (FEED) as general technical planner since June 2016, subsequent to project development consultancy sind 2015.

2017, May, 15-19, EXPONOR Chile 2017, Antofagasta

Here we present our products and services around the SYNWATER® technology with the special focus on applications for Chilean and Peruvian mining sector. We would appreciate to welcome you at booth 67A.

2017, April, Global Water Intelligence Magazine Volume 4/17

GWIM publishes on pages 42-47  a technology screening of recent desalination and REdesal tec developments also presenting our company as REdesal stakeholder.

2017, February, 20-22, World Water-Tec Innovation Summit 2017, London

We presented SYNWATER® on the summit’s technology showcase this year for the first time.